Monday, November 14, 2011

The People Could Fly (Digital Copy)

Below I have posted a link to the digital copy of this month's READ. Use the story we read in class today to complete the reading comprehension worksheet.

EXTRA CREDIT: For some extra credit points do the "Write About It" section at the bottom of p.17. One page should be enough for a good next chapter.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Dialogue Tags Lesson

Here is the link to the Dialogue Tags lesson we went over in class today. Use this to help guide you as you complete your dialogue between Ms. Luela Bates Washington Jones and Roger.

I have also posted a video if you are not able to access the link.

Happy Writing!

Dialogue Tags Lesson

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chapter 1: Review ANSWERS

Hello Eighth Graders,

Click on the link below to retrieve the answers for you Chapter 1 Review.

Chapter 1 Review ANSWERS

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weekly Reader How To Video

I've posted a video for you on how to get to the "Magic Word" section for the student portion of the Weekly Reader website. I will be giving all classes at home reading assignments in the future, and this means that all of you will have to know how to log in and use the website.

Happy Reading!

Monday, May 16, 2011

To Kill A Mockingbird - 21st Century

Here are the Facebook and Twitter Templates for your TKM Characters.

*The links will send you to a Google Documents page. All you need to do is click "Download", and open the file once it is downloaded.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Help for Your Speeches

Hello seventh graders! Today you began working on you speeches. This is exciting! I have posted some links to a few different sites that will hopefully encourage you as you continue to work diligently on your speech.

This page contains a list of some of the most famous presidential, sports, war, civil rights, and space exploration speeches in our countries history. Click on the History icon.

This is a link that includes extracts, passages or lines from famous politicians, presidents, sportsmen, royalty and other influential people from many different walks of life. Click on the picture.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

PBS Media Literacy Quiz

Eighth graders, here is a link to the media literacy quiz you are to take as part of your homework. Please record your score after you complete the quiz and make a note of the questions that you answered incorrectly.