Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What's In a Good Thesis Statement?

In preparation for your outline (due 4/20) and the drafting of your paper we talked about how to build a well constructed thesis statement. Below I've post the four important things to remember when putting together your thesis statement. Please use these, and the worksheets I've handed out to you in class. If you have any questions you know that I am always available. However, do not wait until the last minute to come to me with questions. For example, the day before the outline is due is not a good day to come to me and say, "Mr. C. I need help on my outline. I haven't started it yet." It will be much more difficult for me to give the help you need if you procrastinate as opposed to coming to me ahead of time.

What's in a good thesis statement?

1) A good thesis statement is no expressed as a question. Your thesis statement provides a one-sentence, declarative answer to your research question.

2) A good thesis statement is a preview of what the paper is about. (Do not begin with "The purpose of my paper is. . ." or " In this paper, I will be writing about. . .")

3) A good thesis statement controls the paper's content. Everything in your paper should provide support for your thesis statement. In other words, if it's not in your thesis statement it shouldn't appear in your paper.

4) A good thesis statement should sound confident. Avoid using words and phrases like probably, might, I think, seems, and it seems to me.

Happy writing!


joshua .s. said...

Mr.c i am not done with my research paper yet

Mr. C said...

Josh, thank you for keeping me informed. Remember that you don't have to be finished with your research paper yet; that will not be due until May 6th. Tomorrow is the due date for the outline, and in class on Wednesday i am planning on doing a lesson on how to start your rough draft so be ready to take notes and ask questions if you have them.

If you are having trouble with your outline please let me know. You can communicate with me over email if you have a question and we are outside of school.

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